When I got there, (I was running a bit behind) we had to hop in her car to pick up two of her children. One of the things she had going on in her life was that of her middle son’s health. He had to have surgery for a rare degenerative disease that was tearing down his hip. The path they chose for wellness for him was a surgery where they had to travel two hours from their home to a world renowned surgeon. Needless to say, causing LOTS of stress in her life! (Like life with five kids isn’t already stressful enough!!)
She expressed how she was really wanting to know if she was doing the right things in her life: by God, her family, and community. As I listened to her I found my self really feeling…and realizing her struggle. She had found some Heavenly answers that she had prayed for from some actions (seeds) she had planted MONTHS ago, and was grateful for those. She is very much a faith-filled woman and praised Heavenly Father for what she was experiencing.
As the conversation was winding down, I made the comment that it sounded like she was in the very place she, her husband and kids needed to be in this time of her life. It also reminded me of the days when I was a young Mom and loved having counsel from women older than me. A mentoring of sorts.
What I realized was this: I am no longer the young mom with children needing to be hustled here and there. Trying to make sense of everyday, meeting the needs of my family, church, community and trying to cram 25 hour day into 24! I also realized that now I was the older woman in the picture listening and counseling the young mom. Encouraging her that she was, indeed, right where she needed to be and praising her for her thanks in Divine guidance. My, how the tables so quickly have changed! It really DOES seem like yesterday when I was in her shoes! And the last thing I extracted from the visit was that she shared her heart with me and I in turn did the same. I also realized it didn’t have to be perfect or prophetic. I just needed to be REAL.
I didn’t have an agenda today for the visit when I walked out the door. But I try to be open to what naturally comes about when chatting with folks. I DO believe that everything happens for a reason. I don’t have to understand it, my heart and mind just have to be open to it. I shared my heart.